Upcoming Events From the Nervousmaker News Desk
It’s been awhile, and I’m sorry. I could try to make excuses, but why? How about I just say that this is a website run by ONE person who just wants to promote his friends and awesome things he likes, and sometimes life gets in the way of that, and then we can move on to so much awesome news.
Okay, so this probably only applies to a couple people reading this site, but in just a couple days, the LEGEND himself, John Waters, will be doing his newest spoken word show, End of the World, in Nashville. The site describes it as a “comic monologue about today’s despair and diseases, desires and desperation … with an insane optimism that welcomes all audiences into a new dawn of depravity, (dealing with) how to reinvent the movie business, embrace stupidity in an intellectual way, even go beyond the limits of sexual transgression.” There are limited tickets left, and it’s not cheap, but this is John Waters we’re talking about. And I’ll be there, right up front, finally getting a chance to see one of my few heroes in person. Tickets are available here.
I’ve gone on and on about my Brazilian film amigos, and how amazing their work is, and how everyone needs to check it out. At the same time, shipping a single DVD from Brazil to the USA is VERY expensive. Never fear! Petter Baiestorf and Gurcius Gewdner have created a VOD page for a number of their movies over on Vimeo. We’re talking trailers, documentaries, shorts, and full-length movies here, showcasing some of the craziest these outlaw filmmakers have to offer. If I can recommend a couple… Pazucus: Island of Vomit and Despair, by Gurcius Gewdner, is like nothing you’ve ever seen before, while Zombio 2, by Petter Baiestorf, is a great example of Brazilian underground horror/exploitation, with non-stop blood, guts, and boobs. Check them shits out now while they’re so cheap!!!
Never have I ever promoted Hustler Magazine before…then again, I’ve never had a friend featured in its (in)famous pages (that I know of?). But the newest issue of Larry Flynt’s publication has a special feature on FOUR very important women in the current horror scene: Jessie Seitz, Zoe Rose Smith, Eva Hamilton, and my buddy Jessa Flux! Talk about a great reason to set aside your inhibitions (or insecurities?) and buy an issue of this magazine. Make this shit sell out so the powers that be over there keep their focus on our amazing actresses and fx specialists!
So Many Conventions, So Little Time…
There are a number of amazing horror conventions coming up around my area (uh-huh-huh, I said “my area”) that you should look into:
Scarefest Lexington, October 20-22, Lexington, KY - Did Adrienne Barbeau talking into the microphone in The Fog change your life? Is Clint Howard more important to you than Jesus? Does Melinda Clarke’s strangely sexy undead role in Return of the Living Dead 3 still make you question things about yourself? I’m with you, my friend, and they’ll all be there…but more importantly, so will indie horror folks like Nathan Rumler, Dixie Gers, Jessa Flux, James Bell, and so many others. There will be drinks and autographs and “scaryoke,” and Friday night there is an exclusive spooky story time where horror legends will read short stories by local Kentucky authors, and I might be married to one of those authors, if you catch my drift (be there). Oh, and Jack Osbourne will be there…for some reason.
Halloween Hangover, November 3-4, Barnes & Noble, Libbie Place, Richmond, VA - Do you like reading books that disturb you? Do you like meeting your favorite horror authors and asking them questions? Can you even read? If you answered YES to all of these, go to B&N in Richmond, Virginia, for their second annual Halloween Hangover. Tons of books to buy, tons of authors to meet, panels, handshakes, strange looks when you act like a creep and think because a woman was nice you should follow her around all night (Don’t fucking do that, you shithead). Featured guests include Grace Reynolds, Hailey Piper, and RJ Joseph, but authors like Max Booth III, Laurel Hightower, Wesley Southard, and Jessica Leonard ain’t no scrubs either!
Butcher Cabin Bookfest, October 18, Pivot Brewing, Lexington, KY - This guy clearly favors the literate, am I right? Well, here’s another great horror author event in Kentucky put on by an independent horror bookstore, which already makes it way cooler than your “Um, actually, I can’t read” attitude. Head out to Pivot Brewing in Lexington, KY, have a beer, and hear some amazing authors read you creepy tales. Them Hightower and Leonard chicks will be there, as will Cynthia Pelayo and Nicole Cushing, both Bram Stoker Award-winning authors, and many others. Buy a book, take a selfie with it, and see if it ups your chances in life!
Wanted: Crowdfunders!!!
Turns out, the mega-conglomerates controlling the media want you to just watch boring shit, and don’t want to help good movies get made. Would you rather see something besides Avengers 25: The Wrath of Some B-Character from the Appendices of Marvel Universe? Me fucking too! So help these guys make their underground, independent movies…
Amerikan Holokaust Part 2 - Believe it or not, Sleaze Box out of Tampa, Florida, make naughty, dirty, nasty movies for the fans of boobs and blood and boobs and…well, boobs. They’ve been doing this for over 10 years now, and have put a number of sleazy tales out on DVD. Now they’re trying to make their newest, the sequel to one of their original hits. It’s sure to be dirty and make you feel that weird combination of gross and aroused that you remember so well from your early years when you watched Cinemax late at night and tried to see just one butt through the pixelated, scrambled “adult” channels you didn’t actually have on your cable box. They’ve never disappointed, so this is an easy decision…send them your money!!!
Deathgasm 2: Goremaggedon - Can someone please tell me why we have QAnon movies about child trafficking and 25 Walking Dead spin-offs getting corporate backing, but Jason Lei Howden has to do a crowdfunding campaign for the sequel to Deathgasm? God damn, there’s so much wrong in our world, but I’m trying to focus on the positives here. If you liked the first movie, you’re going to love the sequel. Blood, metal, demons, and hilarity will ensue. Help this guy get the break he deserves, cuz you know this is going to be amazing.
Oh, one more thing… Swamp Woman on sale NOW!!!
Sean Donohue makes good movies, god damn it. He made the first two Death-Scort Service movies, which are great 70s-style slashers; Naked Cannibal Campers, which is as amazing as the title says; Satan Lives: The Rise of the Illuminati Hotties, which might honestly be my favorite of his movies, hilarious and sexy and bloody as fuck; and The Hart-Break Killer, a highly underrated gem. His newest movie is Swamp Woman, a Swamp Thing meets Southern exploitation, starring the lovely Sushii Xhyvette Holder in the titular role (uh-huh-huh, I said “tit”). I’ve been happy to back as many of his films as I could afford, because this dude has a great vision and a fun attitude toward filmmaking. And now Swamp Woman is available on limited edition signed Blu-ray. I highly recommend this movie if you like over-the-top acting (Joel Wynkoop is phenomenal here), bloody ladies, and sexy horror. Buy it from Grindhouse Video, a local (to me) independent video store that never disappoints!
I have so much more to talk about, from working at horror conventions with Troma to the test screening of Curse of the Weredeer, movie reviews, interviews, and so much more. I know I’ve been quiet for a while, but hang in there… I promise you good content, and I’ll do my best to get it to you on a decently regular timeline. It’s just me here, so it’s tough, but I’ve got good stuff coming your way, so please come back soon!